Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Arabian Nights


This story is similar to many stories I hear nowadays. Its always people in the roles of leadership having to apologize for being racist in the past. This time it included Justin Trudeau and how he wore blackface to a party in 2001. He was 29 at the time and he states, "i should have known better but I didnt".  He colored his skimn a dark brown so he could be Aladin during an Arabian nights themed party.  He also said "i didnt think it was a racist action at the time", that goes to show you that iggnorance is basically making it okay that he did this. A grown man almost being 30 should have an idea like hmm maybe this isnt a good idea. This makes me wonder how many leaders were just ignorant and dint care to know what was racist and not in the past, that doesnt make a very good leader.

Monday, September 16, 2019

"My African American"

I don't know if many people remember but in 2016 maybe 2017 a video was circulating and it took place at a Donald Trump rally. Trumps starts to talk about his supporters then straight up points out a black person in the crowd and says "look at my African American". After watching that video I always wondered who that man was that he blatantly pointed out in the crowd and I saw today on the news that Gregory Cheadle was the man that was called out and now he is not a Trump follower due to the years of blatant racism. He said he also is ditching being a republican because of its "pro-white agenda".  Cheadle also says that his friends that are republican are always defending Trumps racist comments and side stepping anything that he says. He also states that people nowadays in the Republican Party have Blinders on regarding people of color issues and he couldn't be apart of something like that anymore.


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Trump and the Bahama Refugees


We all know of the hurricane that devastated the people in the Bahamas killing many innocent victims, and our president instead of showing solitary and care to these people chose to slander them. Many people from the Bahamas are seeking refugee after the hurricane blew through and destroyed many homes and killed many people but trump made a comment that said "We have to be very careful," and "very bad people" could be entering this country.  This is not what a leader of a country should be saying at a time where people are suffering and are actually looking for somewhere they can be safe but when they here this they probably feel hate and like they're not welcomed.  I don't know if he thinks no one is listening but this comment has outraged a lot of people because it is just straight up hate and I believe it to be also racial profiling.  

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Mixed race wedding

The blog that I am commenting on today hit very close to home because I am mixed race and growing up my parents would tell me the stories of them not being accepted by some people because my father is black and my mother is white.  I didn’t really realize that things like this still happen and seeing this on the news gives me anxiety as a mixed women in this country. The fact that people are still racist and try to blame it on christian beliefs appalls me.  After reading a little more the couple was talked to by there minister and shown that in the Bible it never said that mixed races are “against the rules”.  I have noticed that people tend to makeup or believe in what they want to believe in even if they are lies, and I think that even reflects back to racism in the 60s because it was all stemmed off of what people thought that there beliefs were right.
